Behind the Birch
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I’ve had this recipe in my back pocket since I was about 13. For real. I was that kid that asked my friend’s moms at birthday parties how they made things. *cue my husband’s...
Growing up, my mom had a recipe book that was full of homemade birthday cakes. One of my fondest childhood memories is going through the book each August and picking out the cake that...
I can hardly believe how quickly we’re coming up on Sprout’s first birthday! Recently my sister asked what Sprout wanted for her birthday, and I told her I’d come...
Currently, both Spencer and I are on parental leave (shout out to Canada for their great parental leave benefits) – so we spend a lot of time in the kitchen as a family of three....
I have always been a reader. I can devour books like they’re chocolate chip cookies. And while I tend to enjoy fiction over non-fiction, it only made sense to me when I...
After Sprout was born last summer, Spencer and I started having some casual conversations about moving to a new home. We knew we would be staying in the same city, but our little starter...
Learn more about me
Welcome to Behind the Birch – my teeny little corner of the internet. I’m Jenna – first-time mom to Sprout (human) and Albus (K9). And wife to Spencer.
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