Easiest, most delicious fruit dip ever

I’ve had this recipe in my back pocket since I was about 13. For real. I was that kid that asked my friend’s moms at birthday parties how they made things. *cue my husband’s eye roll at just how nerdy I actually am. I should note that most recipes were much too complicated for me to have remembered how to make them once I got home. But this one is painfully simple. Like. PAAAAAINNNNNFULLLY simple.

In fact, my brother-in-law could hardly believe how easy it was when he asked for the recipe at Sprout’s birthday party. You’re welcome, Ian:)

I’ve taken the liberty to stray from the original 2-ingredient recipe and add a third. But it’s still simple, and I think you’ll appreciate what it adds!

For this recipe you’ll need:

Drumroooooooolllllllllll please!

  • One, 8-oz block of cream cheese (go for the full fat, it tastes better)
  • One small jar of marshmallow fluff
  • Zest of one lemon (this is the addition)

That’s it. Throw it in a bowl, mix it with your hand mixer (or Kitchen-Aid if you’ve got one) until smooth. And ta-da. The best fruit dip ever is now one of your best party tricks! Or second-best if you’re one of those people who can fit your whole fist in your mouth;)

Do you have a go-to recipe that’s so easy it almost shouldn’t be legal?! Let me know below!

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